College is expensive. If you've co-signed on a private loan for your child, that loan likely won't be forgiven if something awful happens. Find out how a life insurance policy for your student protects your family's finances.
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Excessive workloads and bad bosses aren't the only causes of stress. Sometimes it's the little things that add up, including our own bad habits. Check out these sources of stress.
Sometimes parents are guilty of doing too much for their kids, and it can backfire when students go off to college. Read on for some life skills all young adults need.
In the plant world, English ivy is a villian. Here's the scoop on how to get rid of it and why you should.
College financial aid award letters are not standardized so they all look different, and they're confusing. Don't get burned. Here's what you should look for.
Don't miss out on important financial aid awards by filing the FAFSA late or not at all. State and institutional aid is determined by the FAFSA -- you may qualify for help even if you don't qualify for federal aid.
What can a teen passenger do if their friend is texting while driving? Three tips for how to handle the situation. Plus some important statistics on teen driver crash risks.
College financial aid is primarily based on your annual income, but assets are also accounted. Avoid these mistakes during your "base year."
Accidents happen, but now that your 18-year-old is of legal age, you might not be able to help. Discuss these four legal documents so your child doesn't get caught in a jam.
Mike Lanza didn't want his kids growing up without free play and unstructured outdoor time. So he created a playborhood. Here's why he says they're an important antidote to today's overscheduled childhoods.
If you have a new college student, you'll want to check out these tax credits. Also, a few ways to save for college.
Don't miss out on these important credits and tax breaks, especially if your income falls within certain limits.
A few key questions to consider to determine if babysitting is the next step for your tween or young teen.
College exams are stressful for any new student, but some people experience true test anxiety. Here's how to tell and what to do to conquer it.